Cineyug Launches 'EntNetwrk'

MUMBAI: Cineyug, India’s premiere entertainment company, has launched its first-ever global social 'Entertainment' networking platform ‘EntNetwrk'.

Founded by Deepansh Malhotra, Harshit Malhotra, and Azhar Morani, 'EntNetwrk' is an exclusive platform created for entertainers and entertainment industries across the globe to showcase, engage, explore, discover opportunities, and get a chance to make it big in the industry.

As per an official statement by Cineyug, the aim of the platform is to bridge the gap between all sections of the entertainment industry (Indian, American, British, Indonesian, Korean, Independent, etc.) and the entertainers (existing an aspirants), vice versa.

“Unlike other social media platforms, this one, in particular, is exclusive to the entertainment industry and aspirants. From actors, musicians, lyricists, writers, directors, cinematographers, casting companies, agents, production suppliers to production houses, it is the one-stop haven to pursue your passion to entertain and get you to instantly connect with millions of like-minded and diverse people, fans, artists, technicians, and industry stalwarts,” states the release.