Jigsaw Pictures crafts exceptional content across various formats

Jigsaw Pictures crafts exceptional content across various formats

The production house continues to elevate storytelling, blending innovation etc.

Rajnish Lal

Mumbai: Over the past 19 years, Jigsaw Pictures has crafted some exceptional content across various formats, consistently pushing creative boundaries. With nearly two decades of experience, their passion for storytelling & quality production shines through in every project be it any long-format content or shorter content TVCs or Digital films.

Having produced/shot over 500 TVCs, short films, digital films, corporate films, and music videos worldwide, Jigsaw Pictures embraced long-format storytelling about a decade ago with their first feature film along with Reliance Entertainment. Now, Jigsaw Pictures, in collaboration with Viacom18 Studios, recently had the release of their latest web series, "Murder in Mahim," streaming on Jio Cinema.

In today's fast-paced world, where most lengthy content often goes unnoticed, Jigsaw Pictures aligns itself with unique, relevant and engaging content like Murder in Mahim. The show was among the top 5 most viewed content last week. Given the show's theme of LGBTQ issues and human relationships in today's environment, it will be interesting to integrate the show’s message into relevant panel discussions, offering an interactive platform for viewers to engage with the content and foster meaningful dialogue. Hence if popular but relevant social media handles and digital platforms of media outlets help spread these messages it could resonate with the viewers.

From their debut web series "Thinkistan (a show on the Indian advertising industry) – S1 & S2" partnering with MX Player, and collaboration with Reliance Entertainment on the feature film "Sooper se Ooper," the production house has offered the audiences with innovative narratives. Currently, after the production of an 8-episode thriller web series with Viacom 18 Studios and a docu-reality show for a leading OTT platform also with the same studio, Jigsaw Pictures continues to elevate storytelling, blending innovation with an unwavering commitment to excellence with their other long-format shows. As they continue to work on TVCs & Digital films for various brands along with creative agencies.

Jigsaw Pictures founder & producer Rajnish Lal expresses excitement not only for the release of "Murder in Mahim" but also for the ongoing success of Jigsaw Pictures and their upcoming projects. He states, "We are thrilled to be a part of the team that has taken 'Murder in Mahim' to audiences worldwide. Collaborating with our esteemed partners Viacom18 Studios and Jio Cinema, known for their creative excellence and expansive reach, has been a fantastic journey. This thrilling tale - with layered characters & screenplay has been unveiled & is drawing very positive responses. But we're equally excited about the future endeavours of Jigsaw Pictures.